This one's to kick off the holiday season, festive or not as it may be. I even scat -- not very well, but it is Wednesday, after all. If you are going to listen, remember to turn the volume down, as this was recorded over the phone sans music and there is some distortion.
Funny trying to explain Being in the moment When I’m anywhere but In the moment! That’s how it goes, And even to write about it Would mean not being in the moment.
Though perhaps that’s not so. Some writing is very much in the moment, Tibetan dohas, for example Or Kerouac’s spontaneous prose
Like wading through water, Thick, rich, awareness, Everything is there and You can want nothing more, You can see it, like water, Transparent, but thick, Everything is there and You can want nothing more. And it’s always there, Always there, but our awareness flees, In terror or ennui or stubbornness
Read a quote somewhere, talked about How we see a fish writhing about On the hook, We don’t see the hook, Only the fish writhing, And people are the same, We only see the struggle, We miss the hook, And so we see others All wrong.
In the moment There can be no hook, Maybe we like the hooks, For we so cling to them, Maybe we think The hook is some kind Of brass ring. Ha ha ha.